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Fortuna : Finding Lincoln

Fortuna: Finding Lincoln
Print Size: 8"x10" / 8"x13"
Sixtey Seven Iterations

The entire second act was an opportunity to evolve the most successful element from act one – Lincoln and the arrows. The approach was two fold, work small to create intimacy and keep the portrait recognizable.
Act Two retreats from its previous size of 55”x37” to 8”x10. The subtext of Act One - North VS South was removed and the focus became Lincoln the historical figure and icon. The portrait was transplanted from Act One as it represented a significant time investment. However, by the time the format changed again the portrait had undergone another transformation moving from somber reflection to exploration.
​​​​​​​Pt. I  North vs South    |     Pt. II Finding Lincoln

The Arrows 
8" x 13"
Twenty Iterations

This portion of Act Two is signified by a size change from 8”x10” to 8”x13” to accommodate the exploration of the graphic elements of the Dixie flag referred to as “arrows” which assumed a competing role. They no longer functioning as a shape barrier – but rather a character struggling for real estate. They also helped develop the allegory of Lincolns new condition.


The appearance the empty astronaut helmet marks the beginning of Doubled. An attempt to bring the Lincoln portrait back into prominence without becoming the exclusive centerpiece. It allowed for some unique reconsiderations of the Lincoln portrait (like the Elvis hairdo).
Fortuna : Finding Lincoln

Fortuna : Finding Lincoln

Digital Painting, Portrait, Social Justice, #Digital Painting, Collectible Poster,Fine Art Poster, Kindle Fire, Autodesk Sketchbook 3 Mobile, #Ki Read More
