Player 2 - Front cover
Player 2 in its Slipcase
Illustrations for pages 1-21
Player 2 is a handmade coptic book made for Karen Baldner's Fall 2014 Bookbinding course at IUPUI. Made out of two John Madden Football '93 Super Nintendo game cartridges and various cardstocks, plastic sheet covers and purple embroidery floss, this was definitely one of my more thought out books of the entire course.

This book tells the story of my elder sister, Katie, and my relationship to videogames growing up. When we first started off, Katie was the much more comfortable one about the games, of course she was. She's two years older and two years less afraid of the game-monsters.

In the story, Katie and I explore the vast world within the Super Nintendo, the pages themselves are layered in a way which the illustration is underneath a clear plastic sheet protector  underneath the reverse silhouette of a tube tv, and just as I warm up to the Super Nintendo-world, Katie nabs the Super Mushroom and "grows up." Now, unlike Mario, she does not turn into "Super Katie," she grows up. To this day, she is an accountant. Accomplished in school with thousands of hours of volunteer service, she is an independent woman with a dog and a house, and she does not so much as think of touching video games anymore.

 That being said, this book was a tribune to Katie. Not because she died, but because I miss playing Super Nintendo on Saturday mornings with her. In fact, even though I've continued playing games alone, any time that I so much as watch another person play a game or even play with another person, I cannot help but be reminded of playing with her.
It's purely nostalgic.
A story board is sketched out and lined up for the proof read and inking process
Book stacked up to line up the spine of the coptic
The pages are clipped in to make sure they fit, also this was a nice time to check to make sure the story flowed
Details on the Slipcase are painted on to match the Snes
Funny thing about the slip case, it's the perfect size to fit three game cartridges in it. If I ever decide to make a box slightly taller to fit the book better, this box is getting repurposed as storage for my precious games.
Player 2 - Book


Player 2 - Book

A Coptic-bound Super Nintendo book about playing video games as a child with my sister


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