Celebridades Anônimas

                                     " BE AN   ANONYMOUS CELEBRITY" creepy project
WHAT you see below is part of a project that was realized as a mix of  happening and site oriented experiment.

The  photographs are really not good, but the project intention is what is worthy in this case.

The faces people are wearing  in the photographs are masks of very well known brasilian soap-operas celebrities. Those masks were put on a informal structure in alegory to the informal comerce we can find all over SãoPaulo dowtown, where we were. 

In our informal table instaled in the middle of a very movimented avenue, we were annoucing: "Be a celebrity, it´s for free!" - and then we wait for people to spontaneously come over us, ask us what was that about, and the explanation/"service" we would always give was: " chose your mask and take a photograph with it!"

-surprisingly many people were interested in participate, but really not as part of a critical project, but really as chance of elevating their self-steam in a very strange kind of way... by changing their rotine while participating of somenthing unusual, and also feel like being a celebrity for a very tiny moment. 

What we all got, as a result, was this very intriguing situation to think about human behavior in a place as Sao Paulo-Brasil, where people have a lack of good quality cultural-living, not because of a lack of oportunity, but very much because of a very opressive and social-alienating midia.

Celebridades Anônimas

Celebridades Anônimas

fun and critic art-urbanism project FAU USP 2008
