I don't post too much to Behance but I'd like to tell you about personal site I relaunched couple of days ago. May be later I'll rewrite this post, but I doubt that ;) Hope you'll enjoy!
So it took 12 years to remake the stuff. Not bad. I've made all the changes more than a year ago but tried to fill portfolio and migrate my blog. And on the January 1st I understood I need to upload all site now or I will never do it. So I did. Site is now more HTML (the last version, made in 2007, was Flash) and lighter—background is almost white. But let me describe process step by step.
I started with grids and mockups for every of the three site sections: Info, Work and Mega (that's the name of the blog I started in 2003 and try to update at least once a year). I chose 12 columns grid for desktop, 9 columns for iPad/tablet and 6 for iPhone/mobile. That worked good as always.
This looks kinda awkward on my retina display. Behance should really do something about those 600px wide images.
Then my friend Artem Sapegin coded all HTML and CSS stuff for me and the other friend offered to code CMS for me on Ruby but I suddenly decided I wanted a static pages generated site. So I chose Jekyll as the platform and started coding. I stopped on Jekyll because I thought I would also study some Ruby on Rails while coding my site. I did. Now the site looks something like this:
Long read and responsive. Pleasure to look even on the calendars in portfolio:
You should visit and see it for yourself ;) VI
Published: VI

My personal site, portfolio and blog updated.
