From 2003-2009 I always drew flyers with pencils and markers, from 2009 I installed Illustrator and started trying to make rough work with the computer. These are some flyer works of my band HOTPINK between 2009-2011. Pretty much rough digital design works.
2011 Okinawa Tour | Pencil, Adobe Illustrator | 19 March, 2011
Stomping Down the Wall | Pencil, Adobe Illustrator | 26 May, 2010
Riotabilly Rock'n'Roll Roadtrip Tour | Pencil, Adobe Illustrator | July 2009
Rock Gig  at Tunghai University | Adobe Illustrator | 26 May, 2009
Punk Rock Casino with Dont Turn Away (JP) | Adobe Illustrator | 27 November, 2009
Riotabilly Tour | Pencil, Adobe Illustrator | 22 May, 2009
Thirsty Housewives' Clean-up Party | Adobe Illustrator | 24 June, 2009
Old Gig Flyers

Old Gig Flyers

Just some old flyers from 2009-2011
