Ed Tolkien's profile

Strike! Magazine

Series of illustrations for various issues of Strike! Magazine.
Strike! 5: 'Feminist Wit' by Nina Power

Power talks about how there is something wrong with our society; with capitalism; with our parliamentary politics; with our criminal justice system; with our police force. How we live in a patriarchy which masquerades as fair and equal, and the men at the top pretend it is not so, in part by simply "stocking the world with women CEOs, MPs, judges, and senior police officers".
A quick illustration by me was also included in a collaborative homage to Pussy Riot in the same issue. We are all Pussy Riot!

Strike! 4: 'Work Hard Play Hard' by Frederico Campagne

The auther suggests that there is a phenomenon, within our culture, of people working all their lives in jobs that they don’t really enjoy, in order to get that paycheck at the end of the week. Wherein reality, we would probably be much happier and more productive when focusing less on making money, and more on the things that we enjoy and are passionate about.

Now available as a print from Strike!, and as prints and stickers at redbubble.com.
The Strike! family also kindly featured this in their 'Strike! One: A Year in Print" exhibition at Flaxon Ptooch gallery in London!

Srike! 3: 'Kill All Hipsters' by Rhian E Jones
Jones talks about the political apathy of contemporary ‘hipster’ culture, and it’s move from the radical, engaged, and anti-capitalist subcultures of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, to the consumer-led, playful, escapism that we see today.

Available as prints and stickers at Redbubble.com.
Strike! 6: 'An Anarchist Guide to Distribution' by Jon Active
This article is about the difficulties of trying to run an anarchist distribution, and the fine line between maintaining a pure anarchist stance, and of becoming the very capitalist model that one seeks to rebel against.
Featured in 'Strike! Two'!

Strike! 8: 'Eat the Rich! Wise-Up and Rise-Up' by Danny Dorling
Dorling writes about Ayn Rand, the 20th century writer and philosopher who theorised Contructivism, and inspired right-wing capitalists the world over.

Strike! Sept-Oct '15: 'Democracy 100 years hence' by Danny Dorling

Dorling looks back at the state of our pseudo-democracy from 2115 and comments on the impotence of the voice of the people in this, the 'age of dictatorship'.
Strike! Magazine

Strike! Magazine

A series of voluntary illustrations for Strike! Magazine.


Creative Fields