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Darkerly Stormy

Darkerly Stormy
Jun.04 - Jul.11 2012
I've been wanting to remake this song for a long time... or at least the climax of it.
The Edirol VST I used in the original Darker Stormy just wasn't strong enough for the climax to me. However, it took me a long time to find higher quality samples (mostly East West) that would match the overall sound I wanted to keep from the original.
The new song here essentially starts with a remix of the climax starting at 4:55. From there, I tried to re-introduce old themes and mix in a few new ones, but I've had hard time trying to wind down from a loud start. Instead it ended up being more like a rematch of the themes in the original song than a remake.
The image for the song was also fun to make and illustrates the scale I wanted to get across (the hand of God and clouds representing the darker themes of course).
Some things I'm not quite satisfied with though. For one, the mix came out rather quiet. Tried to clean out the lower frequencies in EQ as well as use FabFilter, but I can't seem to raise the volume more without losing contrast between the loud and quiet parts. I also recognize that my songs, including this one, tend to sound a little "empty" or lack variety in the instruments. Part of the problem is just me not knowing what instruments to use. I tried to do a little more with this one, but suggestions as usual are always welcome.
Darkerly Stormy

Darkerly Stormy

Darkerly Stormy Jun.04 - Jul.11 2012 I've been wanting to remake this song for a long time... or at least the climax of it. The Edirol VST I us Read More
