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Tangible Interaction Proposal

The Tangible Notification Thing (T.N.T)
The tangible notification thing is a device that displays common notifications in a smartphone into a physical space. Instead of having to look at your phone, you can simply look at the T.N.T. and know what messages you're receiving. If it's not something important you can ignore it and check on the message later. If there are multiple messages from a certain application the column for that application will rise upwards. if it's been read or cleared, then the cloumn will reset to the bottom.
Robo Pet
Current remote control vehicles uses a controller to direct and accelerate. What if instead of using a controller we use hand gestures to tell it where to go? That's the concept of Robo Pet; we would use the same hand gestures that we use to command people or pets and use it to control our robot where to go. Pointing at a direction will make it move forward. Swinging your finger left or right from the initial position would turn the robot left and right. To stop, simply stop pointing. To control the speed, we will use the elevation of your hand; the higher you raise the faster it'll move; to move slower you lower your hand. 
Heatmap Table
The heatmap table is a project idea where by placing an object or applying pressure on an area will cause the surface of the table to light up. The area with the most pressure will be colored red indicating a hot spot. The further away from the centre the colour will change to blue before becoming a neutral colour of white. The concept of this table is to show the relativity of objects placed on a table.
Tangible Interaction Proposal

Tangible Interaction Proposal

3 ideas of tangible object design that had been proposed for my school project.
