On september 2014 I started working on the redisgn of Ruffles Mexico website. Ruffilio is Ruffles character, so the client wanted to show Ruffles website as Ruffilio's house.
This project was really challenging because it was supposed to be a parallax website and this was my first time creating a parallax website; it was even more challenging because almost every parallax tutorial show a vertical parallax and this project was supposed to be a horizontal parallax.
At the end, the client didn't like the parallax effect on the site, so I removed it and just left the transitions between the different scenarios.
I learned to use different jQuery parallax plugins, which was excellent because I had more parallax projects after Ruffles, and learned that some plugins where more appropiate than others depending on the effect I was looking for.
Some of the plugins I used where: ScrollMagic, plax, jParallax, among others.
Ruffles Mexico (2014)

Ruffles Mexico (2014)

Redesign of Ruffles Mexico website
