Tik Type Specimen
by: Andrew McConville
The objective was to explore the use of primary shapes and how they relate to the letter form’s positive and negative area. Each letter and number is featured in the pangram poster along with descriptive content about the type face, designer and the letters o, x, & b.
o: Sans corners, intersections or terminals; the letter ‘o’ demonstrates the beauty of the continuous circular form.
x: If ‘o’ had an opposite it would be ‘x’. Its four terminals stretch to the four corners that ‘o’ avoids and where ‘o’ features a counter,  ‘x’ fills it with an intersection.
b: The ability of ‘b’ to gracefully rise above the x-height with its thin, elegant ascender; while maintaining a femininely curved bottom, combines the aesthetically desirable features of both ‘x’ and ‘o’.
The typeface tik is a san-serif display face that increases in readibility as the viewer moves further away. Its uniform stroke weight is built around a series of repetitive tick marks that glide across the letter forms like a walker on a path.
Tik Type Specimen

Tik Type Specimen

Using only the circle, square, triangle or line, a new character set featuring both letters and numbers was created in lower case. Each letter an Read More
