Hugo Lefebvre's profile

Final Project - Rina & the Mouse King

Rina and the Mouse King
Project URL:
Project Description:
Made in two parts in the last semester of my bachelor's degree and consisting of two levels, Rina and the Mouse King is an adventure platformer taking inspiration from games like "Lady Sia" and "Shantae" as well as taking inspiration from the origin story that inspired "The Nutcracker" ;"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King". The idea behind the project was to further my knowledge of unity coding and to display my level design abilities in a context of limited time (8 weeks), resources (Limited by what I can do) and academics (Understanding of the project and design process). 

Concept Pitch:
Pitch only in french at the moment. English version to come.
Skills exercised:
Level design (Primary)
Due to limited time constraints, only two levels were designed, but they have been designed with the idea of a total of 6 levels for the main story to be presented as well s for the difficulty curve progression. The project was closely suppervised by a professional in the industry that specializes in both level design and narrative design. Big thanks for Lau O-Plouffe for the help.

Coding in unity (Secondary)
Following tutorials and researching stack overflow, I built the core of the project and experimented with this knowldge to develop everything else that was beyond the teachings of those videos. Our university's technical assistant was very helpful during the learning process to help figure out the code syntax errors and to help things work the way I intended them to work.

Worldbuilding (Surface-level)
With limited time and resources during the project, the worldbuilding had to be limited in its presentation, but I will surely push it further in the future. Taking the project's time limit as a challenged, I had to figure out how to present my world and keep the players interested without impacting the gameplay. Leaving the end of my second level open, I can easily pickup where I left and continue my story.

Game Screenshots:
Project URL:
Final Project - Rina & the Mouse King

Final Project - Rina & the Mouse King
