these are my first pages of research that we were set in the first two weeks of the project. i decided to research a range of topics ranging from the nhs to fast fashion to get an idea of what i wanted my theme to be for this project.After researching fast fashion however i knew i wanted to focus on that as i myself have also fallen into the trap of fast fashion before however it is something i am actively trying to change especially after reading about what fast fashion does around the world. 
i then went on to research fashion trends as i was intending to go down that route of fashion trends positively and negatively and seeing the impact of trends around the world 
This is my mood board i created using a range of photos that i thought could relate well to my theme including trends from the years of 1930s all the way to modern trends and different types of ‘aesthetic’ 
these are my first drawings/ doodles i completed using some primary images of myself and my brother that i took. I am happy with how these drawing turned out and i feel they are strong pieces of work that i completed earlier in the project. 
the website i researched was called ‘Its nice that’ and was easy to use to navigate and specify what art u want to be able to see from a wide variety of of artists, graphic designers, photographers etc, whilst looking on this website i looked at someone called ‘Pedro de Sousa’ who is a graphic designer who takes influence from the natural world.
The book i researched/ read was all about the fashion designers of the world and i looked at how fashion has changed over the years and how it has developed 
After some conversation about my previous idea of fashion trends i realised that i was leaning more towards design and not so much fine art and aiming towards a final outcome. Then i decided on some ideas that i could do with fast fashion and came to the conclusion that it was all round a stronger and better theme idea for me and i got quite excited to begin my project now. 
these are 2 of my first drawings that i completed after finalising my theme idea, i am happy with them however as they were just brief drawings and not anything i was planning developing any further, the power plant in the background and the fast fashion shops add to that idea that everyone in a way over looks fast fashion and no body takes into account the consequences or what can come of fast fashion and it feels like nobody cares and after these drawing i was excited to see where i could go with this idea. 
During the last project i focused a lot around collage and they ended up being some of my strongest pieces of work 
I decided to look at some celebs/ influencers who have worked with or are working with fast fashion brands which then may influence younger audiences to buy from these places and also become part of the problem people are trying to fix. 
For some research i decided to ask my peers where there clothing items were from and find out how frequent fast fashion brands are around a college 
I also looked into sustainability and different materials which are better for the environment than polyester 
Two of the artists i looked at are a let Abraham and Keith Haring 
I looked at Abraham as after doing some drawing i decided i liked the effect the road signs have for my project and wanted to then continue to use these going forward in my project 
I looked at Haring as i liked the bright colours he used and also the style of his work is very iconic, i wanted to myself include brighter colours in my work as my last project was quite dark and moody. 
I did these drawings as when i first experimented with drawing and the different materials i could do it with, i am happy with the way all of my drawings look and think they all have the effect i wanted them to. 
i watched this video where they made an installation piece using old clothes, the amount of clothes they used in the installation is the amount that are burned or put in landfill every second. 
I took quite a bit of inspiration from this video as i also wanted to an installation as my final outcome.
Last project i focused a lot on collaging and i think it had a big impact on my work at the end and had the effect that i wanted to give for my audience, i enjoyed doing the collage and then went on to do it digitally on an app that i downloaded called ‘picsart’ i wanted continue doing the collage however i had other plans that i wanted to complete instead. 
I liked the collage Gary Hoang has done as it reminded me a lot of the work i did last project which i really enjoyed doing. 
The research i completed helped me a lot when coming up to my final outcome as i knew i wanted to include some statistics, i also did enjoy reading about this topic as it is something that i am passionate about and want other people to be to. 
I looked specifically at primark as it is one of the biggest consumers for fast fashion products and is one of the most well known along side Shein, Pretty Little Thing and Zara.
I did the painting at the top and got the idea to make some 3D maquettes of the drawing i did, This process was enjoyable and it was something i have never done before which was interesting to experiment with, due to the time limit i wasn’t able to make them as clean looking as i would i would have liked as they were only made with cardboard and stuck together with hot glue, if i had more time i would have made them more professional looking and clean. 
This was my planning for my final piece which i did, i had many ideas, One of the main ones being a shop window look. Going back to the installation research i did i wanted to do something like that which i haven’t done before. 
Making a shop window seemed a little to ambitious so i dialled it down to be just the mannequins and signage work that i did that would resemble a shop window. 
I had ideas of painting a big bit of fabric as the back drop for my piece however after holding it up against the mannequins i didn’t like the darkness and how it looked to went back to it just being the signs that would be up on the walls. 
To create my final show piece i painted on clothes that were given to me by my peers and some my own, that have have come from fast fashion brands such as, Primark, Zara, Shein, H&M and more.
I cut out sections of the clothes and pinned them to other pieces like the jeans and the patches on them.
I wanted to include some stats that i had researched earlier in the project and i also used some slogans i came up with. 
To make the signs i got 2 A2 boards of wood and made them into the design that i wanted them in.
When putting my show piece together i originally didn’t have anything on the floor however after trying out some different things i then decided it looked better with the pile on the floor.
Overall i am happy with the work i have produced for this fmp and am happy with the final outcome and i think the viewers that see my work will be impacted as well.



Creative Fields