Bryan Nolasco Rodriguez's profile

GIT 418 Final Behance Project

GIT 418 Behance Project
By Bryan Nolasco Rodriguez
1. Project Requirements
2. What the requirements inspired you to create.
Some requirements that inspired me to create was being given the idea of designing our own website where I was very excited when I heard that our project could be our own. It Some other things were learning how to do Javascript While doing it
3. An explanation of the goals/purpose/users of the site.
4. Steps Taken to build this website
Some of the steps were to start from the beginning and work my way up to what was the most challenging for example the styling and writing the Js script. It took a while I managed to get some of the things that I wanted done on time
5. Tools used for this project
The tools that were used to create my website were Visual Studio Code editor and Photoshop. I used Visual Studio Editor to create my HTML, style my CSS, and edit my Javascript script. I used Photoshop to create masks for the pngs for my celebrity section to display them in circles as well as the mockup and wireframe for my website. 
6. Reflection
There was a lot of struggles that I had to overcome. Some I managed but Some I wasn't really able to figure out. Overall, I think Im pleased with how much I learned about javascript and how I could apply it into my css and my html. There definitely things that I did take away from this class which it what pleases. Overall, I'm very happy how much I came a long from learning javascript and how much I've grown in such short time
GIT 418 Final Behance Project

GIT 418 Final Behance Project
