This is a creative digital poster project that I made in one of my graphic design classes. We were tasked to choose a show that we loved and create three unique posters that were clearly from the same set. I chose the show Psych. I love comedy and have watched the show through a few times. I took my favorite three characters, Juliet, Shawn, and Gus to showcase because out of all the characters in the show, their character arc's are the focal point. Because Shawn is "psychic" in the show, I wanted to highlight the eyes of the main characters and did so by using colored rectangles that also aligned with the colors the character wore most in the show. In season 1, Shawn was introduced to the viewers while wearing a green polo, Gus wore corporate blue button-ups at different times throughout the 8 seasons, and one of Juliet’s famous undercover scenes required her to wear pink throughout the whole  episode. I then chose a complementary color for the background to make the colored rectangles, and the eyes, stand out. The typeface is the same as the logo for the show - American Typewriter - and I overlaid various textures to create an interesting look for the three posters. The pineapple is a running gag throughout the show and I included it in the background to create a looming, ominous presence.
Psych Poster Set


Psych Poster Set
