Sebastian Andaur — 1994,
Santiago de Chile.

Born and raised in Chile, I've been playing with colors and shapes since I've got my first PC when I was 12 years old. Since then I haven't stopped. Made my first job for a client at the age of 15 and since then, I've been helping clients to get graphics, projects, and pretty much everything they want in terms of graphic design and visual arts.

I'm a one-man design and visual production studio. I also make web projects, I'm the founder and director of Defonk dot com a Pop Culture / interview online magazine andBaunau — a visual arts inspiration source.

On Defonk I also write columns and opinions (in spanish) and express myself in words more than colors.
Sebastian Andaur — 94'


Sebastian Andaur — 1994, Santiago de Chile. — Maker.
