A Rusalka is a mythical creature from Slavic folklore, often depicted as a water nymph or mermaid with supernatural powers, associated with bodies of water like rivers and lakes. I love taking Slavic culture and placing it in my subtropical environment, especially because Slavic witchcraft teaches to utilize what's local in your environment and culture, don't ask for help or guidance from spirits who are halfway across the world. There also isn't much representation of any type of witchcraft in the south eastern US. It is much more common to see Louisanna- based (which is beautiful in itself, just not my same relationship with nature or society). So while I decided to use the more generalized lily as opposed to a water hyacinth, I wanted to create a real tannic type of fresh water— with all the muck and the greenery— and the freshwater eels that feel like Lake Monroe, which does have lilly pads, just more water hyacinth.

Made with Procreate and Photoshop and utilizing lots of texture assets.
Kiss Kiss, Stab Stab


Kiss Kiss, Stab Stab
