Ilya Designgsta's profile

Brotesk Grotesk Typeface

Since childhood, it was difficult for me to make new acquaintances and I valued any friendship. I couldn’t call many people “bro,” but if I could, these were real strong acquaintances. The kind where you can ask for anything and they won’t refuse you anything. 

Brotesk is that same friend, brother, sidekick that will help you when it is difficult or there is no time to choose a typeface for design. This font will make any inscription more expressive and fresh. Although it has character and is good for technical and business visuals, it can also be used in typesetting (making it the focus of the layout). 

261 characters include English, Russian, German, Tatar, Kazakh, Ukrainian, French, German, Belarusian and many other language layouts. This is the first version of the font (later it will receive expansion of characters and writings).

Personal Recommendations: Get it for logos, website headers, branding and presentations. Its medium thickness helps it read well on all pins, which expands its range of uses.

Typeface by Designgsta
Ext Latin & Ext Cyrillic

Download on Hipolink or Gumroad

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2024 / Designgsta

Brotesk Grotesk Typeface


Brotesk Grotesk Typeface


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