Connecting with the core of our inner child, I created a story using and miniature props in 5 images. The goal is to craft a storyline with a clear beginning, middle, and end, aiming to evoke emotions and captivate viewers. Each story follows a chosen story arc, allowing for creativity in genre and the use of various toys and props to convey the narrative.
Behind the Scenes 
The Narrative
The last surviving dinosaur wanders a desolate barren desert with no edible food around. All signs of fauna and flora are gone, with dead trees and skeletons littering the landscape. The lonely and starving dinosaur ventures forth and explores the desert in search of food and survival. 

The dinosaur finally spots an oasis of greenery in the distance, sparking hope. The trees are lush and green, rich with fruits. 

The previously starving universe dinosaur pigs out at the sight of so much food, eating everything in sight. He gradually gets fatter the more he eats, and the oasis surrounding him thins out. 

The gluttonous tendencies of the dinosaur led him to a food coma. He lies  passed out surrounded by the carnage and remains of the oasis, unaware that he ate all of his only food source. 

The lonely dinosaur once again wanders the barren desert looking for food, coming full circle. His gluttonous behaviours have left him with nothing, forcing him to continue searching for sustenance. 

Final Images
Life In Miniature

Life In Miniature
