T H E   R O U N D   S Q U A R E    E D I T O R I A L
W H Y   D O   W E   C R E A T E ?
The message I got from the voices of other artists and creatives I admire, is that those who create are never alone, because we speak the voice of many through our own particular ways. And that creativity requires one to be open to their own, innermost reigns, as well as our surroundings. As to why we create, is it enough to say it’s because the nature so wanted? This will remain an open question throughout my entire life and I’m sure different answers will come, and go. I’d love to finish this text with a thought I recently read in an interview with Alan Moore - he himself considers that this is “the only question worth asking” but, as he concludes:
“We don’t know the answer and we’re scared that somebody will find out.”
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Why do we create?


Why do we create?


Creative Fields