Pierfrancesco Pagella's profile

Frozen wintertime, East Sweden (Linköping & Vättern)

Lake Vättern at Vadstena, 27th December 2023. The lake is not completely frozen, but the chilling wind completely covered trees, streets and street signs with ice, and the frozen air is incredibly clear.
Femförefortet (Oxelosund) with 20 degrees below zero was definitely a challenge for the poor Sony A7II, with autofocus and manual controls blocking after a few minutes
Sunset at Vreta Kloster (Linköping), 7th January 2024
Frozen atmosphere in Garnisonen (Linköping)
Frozen wintertime, East Sweden (Linköping & Vättern)


Frozen wintertime, East Sweden (Linköping & Vättern)
