陳 ジャハオ's profile

VF Couple Custom Bearbrick

Your Whole New World
You know how you have friends whom they'll stay with you for life? You guys grew up together, watching each other tranistting from being childish juvenile to responsible adults. 20 years of friendship and I'd seen his life come full circle when I'd seen him met the love of his life, proposed, and eventually became the bestman for his wedding.

And I decided to create a piece of art for his wife and him.
Disney's Aladdin. It was his wife's favourite and also the theme for his proposal. 
We weren't given much to work with but an advance notice and the brief being "improvise".
We went to picked up an LED fairy light strip, and I headed over spotlight, trying to piece something together.
With disposable bowls and alumminiun, I'm also surprised by the final product.
Moving forward to their wedding, I decided to give them a self painted wedding gift; base loosely on the theme of Aladdin.
With V & F being their initials, I also included them on the back of the bearbricks
It was one of the most challenging pieces I'd worked with, as it was my first time to plan and paint the layers. Most of my works relies alot of my spontaneity. But nevertheless I'm quite glad with how they turn out.
VF Couple Custom Bearbrick

VF Couple Custom Bearbrick
