Kr0wd presents K4TZ!

In a cozy neighborhood, under the glow of a crescent moon, a mischievous tabby named Whiskers led a secret feline meeting. With flicks of their tails and whispered meows, they plotted to reclaim their rightful place as rulers of the night. Unbeknownst to humans, they'd already woven intricate plans to commandeer the warmest laps and conquer the highest perches. As dawn approached, they dispersed, leaving only pawprints and a lingering sense of mystery in the air. And so, under the veil of darkness, the cats silently reigned supreme, their adventures hidden in the shadows.

The project consists of 14 artwork, each of which was designed by a different artists.
You can see artworks from: VAMK, Orcun A., Ozan Bilaloğlu, Elif Aydın
Emre Çotul, M9C, Ecem Gökçek, Burcu Gençtürk, Emre Bayraktar, 
Axstone, yuqselcan, taramaucu, M. İsmail Kaçal, hellim. 


Huge thanks to dear Axstone for the project poster. 
You can reach the behance profile below👇 
Burcu Gençtürk / The Ethereal Waltz
Emre Bayraktar / The Catastrophic
Orcun Akman / Catoscopic
VAMK / Nekojira 
Elif Aydın / Fierce
Emre Çotul / The Lucky 
Taramaucu / Angry Cat Puss*ness Rewörk
yuqselcan / Catharsis
Ozan Bilaloğlu / After You - A Cat Person Story
Ecem Gökçek / Sphynx Cat
hellim / metanoia
M. İsmail Kaçal / Mistakes Happen