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Why do sustainable and responsible marketing in 2024

Why do sustainable and responsible marketing in 2023?
Ecological awareness is increasingly present HE Tuber within society. Ecology is a concept widely used, particularly in the world of agriculture and food, but today it extends to different sectors and the world of the web is no exception. In this article, we explain what green marketing is and how it works.
The world and ecology
Ecology is a science that studies the relationships between living beings (biodiversity) and the environment. This interaction is called the “ecosystem”. Ecology brings together six branches:
Synecology: relationship of living species, it is the opposite of autecology
Demo ecology: study of demes (populations) and populations
Autecology: relationships between individuals and their environment
Ecophysiology: study of the behavior and physiology of organisms in relation to their environment
Global ecology: study of ecology where all the relationships of living beings and environments are taken into account
Environmental economics: study of the relationships between human societies and the environment from an economic point of view
Today more than ever, society is interested in these environmental issues. Human activity is being called into question: overconsumption is making itself felt. For several years and especially after periods of confinement, people have refocused on the essentials. Organic and local products are prioritized, people sort their waste... Today's young people as much as the  HE Tuber  have this ecological awareness which leads them to change their habits. Small everyday actions can have a real impact on the environment. People consume less and better quality.
Ecology is a societal problem that is of interest on a small scale but also on a larger scale since the world of politics puts actions in place. Indeed, in France measures are used in the direction of ecology such as the objective of carbon neutrality, the development of electric cars or even the thermal renovation of certain housing.
What is green marketing?
Ecology being more present than ever in our society, what about businesses? We present to you below so-called “green”, “sustainable” or even “ecological” marketing.
 follows   the ideas of sustainable development. The objective is therefore to be ecological and ethical. Overconsumption is no longer the key word: we must spend respectfully. To do this, companies practicing sustainable marketing want to guide customers by informing them as best they can. The goods and products sold are therefore more environmentally friendly.
The concept of the    reflects the traditional functioning of businesses and leads to success. The 4 Cs (Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication) correspond to the customer's expectations. From now on, companies wishing to become eco-responsible add the following Ps:
Why: think about the company's objectives and policy, question yourself in order to decide if certain steps can be modified according to ecology.
Person: this P refers to the customer relationship which is essential. Consumer opinions are increasingly taken into account in order to satisfy customers as much as possible. This P also refers to employees: the goal is to listen to them and pay more attention to their needs if they have them.
Planet: ecology and the environment are the new factors that matter for green marketing.
The three factors of environment, society and economy are then brought together so that green marketing is favorable to businesses.
The importance of green marketing
Green marketing has a positive impact on environmental cleanliness and therefore health. All stages of the sale of a good are optimized for ecology: choice of raw materials, design, production, distribution and communication.
Companies have every interest in adopting green marketing because:
People increasingly appreciate and adopt a lifestyle linked to ecology. In fact, they do not hesitate to compare brands on the ecological aspect. Adhering to green marketing means reducing the negative impact on the environment but also on consumer thinking.
This makes the brand more attractive and credible among consumers: the reputation of your company is boosted.
Products may be recyclable.
Sustainable marketing is beneficial in the long term, both for the environment and for the company itself in terms of profits.
​How to get started with green marketing?
Green marketing can be done in stages. We distinguish 4, in order:
“Passive” green marketing: you follow laws related to ecology.
“Selective” green marketing: You compare yourself to other businesses and make decisions that aim to be greener than your competitors.
“Internal” green marketing: an ecological plan is put in place in your company, the design and production of your products are developed under these ecological measures.
“Innovative” green marketing: you invest in the world of research to find innovations with ecological standards.
To get started with green marketing, you can start with small ecological actions that can be carried out in your business. The challenge is to keep the quality of your products intact while reducing production effects that are potentially dangerous and harmful to the environment. For example, consider reviewing your water and energy consumption, waste production, etc.
Nowadays, communication takes place mainly through the internet. Your company website, social networks… There are so many ways to make yourself known. The type of communication can also have an impact on ecology: for example, avoid sending too many newsletters or unnecessary emails. Try to bring everything together if you can, for example by making more complete documents.
Inbound marketing is then boosted thanks to green marketing: this marketing strategy is based on attracting new customers and retaining them through active and personalized communication. Indeed, personalization is an important point for your marketing strategy. The closer you get to the consumer's lifestyle, the more important and recognized the customer feels. Communication takes place from your company to customers but also from customers to each other: if a customer is won over by your products, then they share their opinion with others! Loyalty increases thanks to an eco-responsible way of working.
Why do sustainable and responsible marketing in 2024

Why do sustainable and responsible marketing in 2024
