proudly branding lawyers with pride // apparel design for LGBTQ

Branding, illustration project: Legally Proud, also known 
as Lawyers with Pride, is funded by the Canadian Bar Association and
 march proudly every year in the Vancouver Pride Parade. The brand had to be law-related, gay-
friendly, appropriate for kids with a fun look. The brand also had to work on a number of 
mediums including apparel, paper and vinyl. It was a tall order. Good thing I like challenges!

Font and color selection were key in enabling it to look great in all forms. The colourful brand I 
designed was used on T-shirts, posters and banners displayed across the groups parade float.

It felt great to help represent a group of such inspiring professionals in my own city. I was very
 proud to be part of it. // follow us on instagram

Legally Proud

Legally Proud

Branding, illustration project
