Alejandro Camacho Páramo's profileMariana Tamayo M.'s profile

ARQT_3217 | Housing in Colombia

The Housing in Colombia course intends to explore the architectural possibilities for assessing the way in which intermediate cities are facing pressure for urban development in most of the country, and the advantages or obstacles that collective housing projects may have in supporting this growth. The course focused on the urban regeneration of central urban areas in Fusagasugá, a municipality not far from Bogota that exemplifies many of the typical urban conditions of other intermediate cities in Colombia. Hoping to strengthen critical thinking and innovative design skills, both Colombian and international exchange students will interact, within a framework of mutual collaboration and comparative perspectives on collective housing issues.

The Studio course will focus on the comprehensive design of a medium density collective housing project (not single family houses) -in different design scales, that will hopefully integrate with the existing context and ideally bring quality of life to residents within a typical intermediate city in a sloped topographical condition. Given the fact that this is a studio intended for third and fourth year undergraduate architecture students, the studio aims to develop a comprehensive housing project reaching the more detailed interior design and technical definition. On the other hand, the final design projects are expected to include valuable social inputs and attend the specificity of some of the urgent housing issues in Colombia, similar to other Latin American contexts.

Taking this into account, me and Mariana decided to explore four users: elderly people, transient dwelling, productive families and mothers head of household.
Process booklet
Physical model in groups within the block interventions:
Mariana Tamayo & Alejandro Camacho 
PROFESSORs: Maria Luísa Vela & Juan Bernardo Vera
ARQT_3217 | Housing in Colombia