Frogs are important elements of the ecosystem, providing excellent food for many animals such as birds, reptiles, and fish, as well as an excellent source of population control for insects and other pests.
Currently, frogs are at risk of extinction due to environmental pollution, habitat loss and climate change, which is why many environmental organizations use frogs to promote awareness of these issues.
The frog itself is often depicted as a funny or cute character and is used in popular culture as a motif in art, film and literature.
Another group of people perceives it as an unattractive and disgusting animal, associated with mud, worms and other unpleasant things, which may make it repulsive to many people.
The frog is also a symbol of reproductive forces and fertility, which is associated with its falling asleep in mud and waking up in spring, as well as its metamorphosis during the reproductive cycle. In Poland, the frog often appears in proverbs and sayings related to the spring awakening of nature.
It appears in folklore in many different contexts, both positive and negative.
In many cultures, a frog is considered a creature heralding misfortune, for example in Poland it was believed that a frog in the house brings bad luck, and its very appearance was associated as something negative, a symbol of evil and impurity, often in the role of a witch or a demon.



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