The Ugly Truth

Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare in the 11th century. In the play, Lady Macbeth plots the murder of the King and manipulates Macbeth to execute the plan. She is later tormented by this act and thinks that the blood of the king is still on her hands. This aspect of Lady Macbeth has been shown in the shoot. The concept is based on the memories and trauma that Lady Macbeth faces after the King is murdered. As hard as she tries she cannot forget the events that unfolded and they continue to haunt her. She was so ambitious and power-hungry that she got the king murdered just to fulfil her ambition. All of us have this side in our nature. It is not ideal but it is present. This is why the editorial is titled ‘The Ugly Truth’.

Vani Jain
Concept Development, Creative Direction and Styling,
Visual Effects and Editing

Siya Chicker 
Stying Assistant

Ruth Hynnietwa

Harshita Dudeja
Makeup, Hairstyling

Nitesh Chaubey

The Ugly Truth


The Ugly Truth
