These are the references I used for inspiration. 
You are my island, You are my rock by Stephanie Perry (right)
Ocean Hair by Fanitsa Petrou (left)
Here are the value and color compositions. I went with the third column.
The redlines I received shows how I can use the ship with the character on it as a foreground element. That makes the world more immersive by it being the character’s point of view. This also shows the wave-like clouds I wanted to portray.
I drew over the sketch with clean lines then colored it. I added a gradient and painted clouds with a textured brush.
I exported the Photoshop file in After Effects and added some effects. I re-did the texture on the ship before exporting it again. I also got feedback on a tangent between the blue dragon and the cloud "wave".
I animated each layer with scale movements, the puppet pin tool, and blur effects. Then animaLastly, I added shadows and highlights to the ship and dragons.
DPS I Final Project


DPS I Final Project
