Yufan Ma's profile


In this project, I hope to introduce a specific game mode within Arknights, called "Integrated Strategies," to newcomers to the game (the target audience) using Adobe Aero as a unique medium. I've chosen this topic because I believe the in-game introduction to this mode is relatively vague and can be challenging for players to immerse themselves in. Through my interactive design, I aim to immerse players into the game world, enabling them to quickly grasp and deeply understand the game content. Here is my design:

As shown in the images and videos, I've designed stickers to resemble "communication terminals" through which players receive instructions, aligning with the game's near-futuristic world setting for task assignments. Throughout the entire AR interactive experience, I've aimed to present information in a manner that closely resembles the in-game setting—virtual projections. The presence of this setting allows the target audience to immerse themselves more quickly in the role during the AR experience and facilitates reading the information.
Given that the game doesn't provide a clear logic for the operation of the "communication terminals," I've designed the presentation of various panels to closely resemble in-game dialogue boxes, interactive buttons, and animations as much as possible. This allows the target audience to clearly perceive that the design is based on the game but not a direct copy from the game.Hence, you can observe that the motion path for the "Mission Selection" closely resembles the motion path in the game's loading interface. The confirmation icon is inspired by a significant symbol related to the game's main characters, and the dialogue boxes predominantly feature a semi-transparent gray background and low-contrast button design for reduced visibility.
Research methodology:
I hope that my target audience can see the sticker in various media locations. For those familiar with Arknights, the sticker's markings, tone of text, and the position of the QR code should be recognizable as a link to an in-game document. To illustrate this, I'll use my own office desk as an example (yes, I like to display figures on my desk) for demonstration.
I believe that my design is simple enough to capture the attention of the target audience quickly. A accompanying benefit is that individuals outside the target audience may choose to interact or not based on their personalities and preferences. When some non-target individuals decide to interact, I've also incorporated enough world-building hints in the design to pique the curiosity of those with a certain level of interest, encouraging them to explore further and potentially transition from non-target to the target audience.
Sketch,Research and Prototype:
I've conducted extensive research into various game UI styles, including the elements mentioned earlier, as well as delving into the game mode's storyline to provide a similar style introduction on the final mission selection screen. This process also involved summarizing and making decisions about the content to present. The end result is as follows: In-game characters (the target audience) receive a commission from Kal'tsit, undergo rapid learning, and then face a crucial decision. This decision will lead the characters to the corresponding official theme website (Arknights Official).

In my design, a crucial element is to replicate the in-game logic with a minimalist approach. As a result, pixel art has become an essential component in my design. Similarly, in the file you've provided, Kal'tsit is also transmitting in-game "documents" to the target audience, and to clearly label the two, the pixel art style is necessary.
Prototype Testing videos
Design elements:
Font: 思源黑体- CN 
The official font that used as game text in Arknights.
Compromises and adjustments: I initially decided to present the in-game theme selection in a pixel art style, but after integrating the official website, I decided to change it to a blend of graphics and images. This decision allowed the entire selection interface to maintain a consistent and clean style.
One of the most significant challenges in this project is time. Replicating the unique art style of a game, especially with various constraints and limitations, can be quite difficult. I've had to forego some of the concepts that had formed in my mind, such as further expanding the theme introduction, incorporating more interactive sounds, and creating additional animated demonstrations of the introductory text. This project is profoundly meaningful to me because it has opened my eyes to the possibilities of information output. I aspire to enhance my 2D and 3D animation skills to improve my effectiveness in future projects. My biggest regret regarding this project is that I deeply admire the game and its art design, but currently, I lack the capability to present the game's information in the most three-dimensional way.


