Diana Moreno's profile


Who wants a Problem?
No one wants a problem. However they are inevitable, they are E V E R Y W H E R E and we always stumble on one or two...or more.
I spent a month catching them with my sketchbook, making them my prisoners, or maybe even my friends. I asked them where they were, who they attacked, why... And I always close our conversations by asking them "how do you think the other person felt?".
And then you ask me: But why did you do these? 

I wanted to understand people, the user, humanity. I wished to empathize and learn.  And honestly, trying to figure it out how the other side feels it's quite interesting. Recognizing that maybe that problem didn't appear for the first time when I saw it and maybe it even has existed since their childhood. Seeing that maybe that problem wouldn't happen if there were more people around or if people would have turned right instead of left. I've noticed that sometimes the world is not made correctly for everyone. And a big discovery, or reminder, was thinking about how that problem affected a variety of areas in that person's life (mental, physical,...)
In conclusion, catching problems (ProblemBusters!) helped me seeing the world and not just passing through it. It gave me a new perspective about other people's life. And by understanding their problems and the effects it has in their lives, I feel a great desire to help them.​​​​​​​

Out of the 41 notes I made, these were the 10 most memorable ones.
Diana Moreno  Student work 2023-2024 Experience Design 1
@Devine: Bachelor Digital Design and Development




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