Wipeout project
(final outcome of the project)
In this project, I researched a game called "Wipeout". From what I had researched, I was able to concept, develop and produce both my own team and my own vehicle based on the team. Throughout the project, I was able to develop many practical skills such as sketching, graphic design (using programmes such as illustrator) and 3D modelling/animation (using blender).
After researching Wipeout, I started concepting the logos for my team's design. I wanted to either go for a space theme, or a steampunk theme. In the end I chose a steampunk theme as it would have more to with in terms of the logo and vehicle design.
(First logo concept sketches)
After getting the basic design I wanted for the logo, I decided to take the ideas and develop them further in photoshop. I did this to get a better idea of what the final outcome of the logo would lo
(First concepts using photoshop)
When I got the shape of the logo I wanted, I refined it further to get the final logo design. I used illustrator (for the first time) to create the final designs of the logo.
(Refined logo designs)
(font designs and variants)
(Final logo designs and variants)
(Final logo design and font)
Similar to what I did with the logo design, I sketched the initial designs of the ship, chose the best design, and developed it further in illustrator.
(Initial sketches of the vehicle design)
(Final orthographic design of the vehicle)
(Vehicle variants based on other logo colours)
(Final vehicle design)
3D modelling:
After getting the shape and colour of the vehicle done, I started to 3D model it using blender.
(Developed of the 3D model)
After getting the base model done, I added materials and colours to the vehicle, to give it more detail. I also created a track to make an animation of the vehicle.
(Final models for the vehicle and track)
(Final renders of the vehicle)
(Final animations)
Wipeout project

Wipeout project
