Yuman Zhu 朱成碧's profile

A Fascinating Dream 游园绮梦

A Fascinating Dream

This series of works is inspired by the magical ancient world created by Pu Songling in his novel “Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio” (聊斋志异).
It was a beautiful world full of imagination, so I also imitated Pu Songling to depict a world in my imagination, a world with an abandoned mansion, a family of fox demons, a beautiful spring flower sprite, and a girl in a red dress who ventures into this world on my behalf.
The boundary between fantasy and reality gradually blurred under the brush.  Much like Zhuang Zhou's dream of being a butterfly, where it's unclear who is the butterfly and who is Zhuang Zhou. After experiencing a series of dreams, can the girl in red still find the path that connects to the real world?
A Fascinating Dream 游园绮梦


A Fascinating Dream 游园绮梦


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