bounasser aya's profile

the story of me: Past to Present

Here I am. My parents started shooting pictures of me when I was just a year old for a variety of reasons, including to show me how I was and how they lived before and after I arrived as they gave them to me so that I might share them with my children in the future. I refer back to these photographs to remind myself of how I was and how my life was constructed on each and every step I take whenever I am having problems and begin to ask myself various questions that make me overthink or think too much. Every time I look at these two images, a lot of scenarios from the first time I sobbed to the present come flooding back to me. Each click of the camera shutter captured a moment in my history, from the very first time I cried to the person I have become today. These images are more than frozen memories; they are living records of my journey through life. They remind me that I have weathered storms, celebrated victories, and grown through countless experiences. They serve as a testament to my resilience, my capacity to love, and my capacity to learn. they serve as a window into my history and a tangible reminder of the principles on which my life has been based. I take comfort in going back to these photos when I'm feeling uncertain or when my head is clouded with concerns and doubts. They will act as a link between my history and their future, bridging generations.
The first step of a child is a moment of profound significance, a small yet monumental achievement that marks the beginning of a lifelong journey. It is a step into the unknown, a brave foray into a world that is both exciting and intimidating. The first show the encouragement of the environment family and others, every first step have its own work  courage, motivation, and curiosity . As my parents told me I cried on my first step because I was trying to stand up and take a step but I felt down but that didn't stope me first minute. This picture made feel  that failure doesn't stop us to try and take other steps that will lead to a bright future every moment I see the picture and how my mom is behind me trying to help if I need  her and how proud they was when  first I  tried to walk and start enjoying every moment with them even they Sayed I broke a lot of things but they was proud because every day I developed my self and they find me trying to walk with them either to grab some toys or just to walk around the house and discover new things. (by the way I still have these clothes) 
The first step of a child is a moment of profound significance, a small yet monumental achievement that marks the beginning of a lifelong journey. It is a step into the unknown, a brave foray into a world that is both exciting and intimidating. The first show the encouragement of the environment family and others, every first step have its own work  courage, motivation, and curiosity . As my parents told me I cried on my first step because I was trying to stand up and take a step but I felt down but that didn't stope me first minute. This picture made feel  that failure doesn't stop us to try and take other steps that will lead to a bright future every moment I see the picture and how my mom is behind me trying to help if I need  her and how proud they was when  first I  tried to walk and start enjoying every moment with them even they Sayed I broke a lot of things but they was proud because every day I developed my self and they find me trying to walk with them either to grab some toys or just to walk around the house and discover new things. (by the way I still have these clothes) 
take a moment, yes this is me on Moroccan clothes  this day is traditional day what we call "Laylat al-Qadr" this day people stay in the mosque praying asking god for what they need and other go to visit family  or friends as they get to do  something fun for kids  and specially girls. This day mom tried to let me try these clothes with will the heavy jewelry. First, it was fun taking pictures, eating candy and having different clothes, but at a moment they decided to put me on "Amarya" which made me cry and try to grab the sides so that I don't fell down. This picture show different me  the calm one with red cheeks and the crying one that show how scare I was. These two pictures show me that trying something new  can be culture or anything  can be scary but  also satisfying. After asking my parents for more detail they mentioned that I  was happy to see new kids which was not the case at a certain age, as they mentioned that I didn't want to let go some clothes these small details are more important to know what I can say is that my parents mad me have different experience each time ad they are preparing me for new things. 
this one reminds me of a  special day which is my first day on kindergarten  where the adventure begin, My parent Sayed I didn't cry as all kids does and maybe  in the picture I look at someone who was crying  I was wondering what's going on. I don't ignore the fact that mad new friends have new toys and even start learning things and new staff to do. it also remind me of  a group of kids that  used to bully me because of my eyebrows and that where started the story of not having friends yes at that age some kids used to make jokes of me and even eat my food I couldn't say something to my parents . This picture always give an emotion that maybe I just feel it and  can't express it. This will be as an advice given to my kids on day  what I learned is to say whatever hurts me and don't feel that no one is going to understand or react just talk show what's going on. by this picture  I get to love my self more by looking at every details  things comes and goes. his image serves as a reminder to love myself, appreciating every detail of who I am, and understanding that life is a constant cycle of things coming and going, but self-acceptance remains a timeless and precious gift.
I still remember this day,  all my cousins came to visit us in Ifrane so we decided to go outside and have fun all day , we was walking by until I find out that there are people who choose Amazigh clothes and try them that time I  convinced my father to let me try one and this was the result. trough this picture you can see joy and happiness because of letting me trying new thing and not judging me.  Also the detail of the Amazigh tattoo that old women used to do and this remind me of my grandmother that have own similar to what I did.This image serves as a reminder that opening oneself up to various experiences and civilizations can bring about a great deal of understanding and happiness., the decoration each item have different story This image is a reminder to always remain open to new experiences and to approach them with the same unbridled enthusiasm that I did that day. It encourages me to celebrate the beauty of individuality and the shared human experiences that bind us all. Most importantly, it's a tribute to the memory of my grandmother, whose presence is still felt through the traditions she upheld and the values she instilled in our family. This photograph is a window into the past, a bridge to the present, and a compass guiding me towards a future filled with understanding, respect, and an unquenchable thirst for learning and embracing the world's diverse cultures.
At  age  20, I found myself reflecting on the remarkable journey captured through these photos. From the innocence of that first step to the vibrancy of the present, my life is a tapestry of experiences, lessons, and growth. Today, I am proud of the person I have become, the progress I have made in my career and education, and the complex picture of my life. I cannot forget the steadfast support of my family, a constant source of strength throughout my development. As I look at this particular image, countless memories and details rush into my mind, each contributing to the complex story of my life. This photo represents an important moment, a snapshot of a day that played an important role in shaping the person I am today. It was the day we had the honor of meeting the president of the university, an event in which we received a certificate for our club.Becoming a member of this club has been transformative, a chapter in my life filled with growth, camaraderie, and the development of valuable skills.These photos are more than just snapshots of my life; they are mirrors of the different masks I've worn, the stories I've kept hidden, and my journey toward self-discovery and authenticity. Every era brings its own  lessons, challenges and opportunities, and these images are a testament to the evolutionary process that has shaped me into the person I am today, with a deep appreciation for the journey and Curiosity about the upcoming chapters. .
the story of me: Past to Present

the story of me: Past to Present


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