
Fruit Box
Taking inspiration from Taiwan's unique fruits and incorporating the feline penchant for hiding in boxes, a series of artworks has been crafted. Each piece is centered around themes such as Honeybell, Pomelo, SugarApple, Golden Diamond Pineapple, Banana, and Star Fruit, capturing the distinctive characteristics and phonetic resonance of each fruit to imbue the fruit boxes with vivid imagery and personality.

1、Honeybell: Drawing inspiration from the "beautiful" koi fish, adorned with an expression full of zest, cradling a glass of "gan" (dry) beverage, to endow it with a unique persona.

2、Pomelo: Featuring a white cat known as "Da Bai" (Big White), raising its paw high and exclaiming "Here" in joyful resonance with the phonetics of "Pomelo."

3、SugarApple: Drawing from the shape and attributes of the SugarApple fruit, this character takes on the image of "Shakyamuni Buddha."

4、Golden Diamond Pineapple: Rooted in the concept of "Golden Diamond Pineapple," inspired by the Taiwanese phrase "hěn zàn", meaning "awesome." This is combined with the phonetic resemblance of "Pineapple" to "ông‑lâi," signifying prosperity. Hence, the background features the character "ông," emphasizing Pineapple's unique character in Taiwan.

5、Banana: Depicting the concept of "infinite brightness" through the form of a banana. In the image, a small white cat raises its hands high, nestled among the bananas, exuding adorable yearning, much like how sunshine warms the heart, creating a delightful and heartwarming scene.

6、Meowli Star Fruit: Star fruit, particularly renowned in Miaoli, takes on the moniker "Meowli," symbolizing the boundless power of meows and emitting its unique adorable radiance!

Pei Han Chen 
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水果箱|Fruit Box


水果箱|Fruit Box

水果箱|Fruit Box 以台灣特有水果為啟發,同時融入了貓咪喜歡躲在箱子中的習性,形塑出系列的畫作。 分別以美人柑、大白柚、釋迦、鳳梨、香蕉以及楊桃等為主題,藉由捕捉每種水果的獨特特徵和諧音為創作,為水果箱賦予生動的形象和個性。 1、美人柑:以「美人」魚為靈感,帶著饒富興致的神情, Read More
