Richard De Souza.

Former GP Richard De Souza is renowned for his transformation from a medical practitioner to a prominent high-performance coach. De Souza's journey is a testament to the power of personal growth and the pursuit of one's true calling. After years of practicing medicine, he discovered his passion for helping individuals unlock their full potential. De Souza's D7 technique has become a cornerstone of his coaching philosophy, enabling people from all walks of life to embark on a journey toward becoming high performers.
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Richard De Souza offers a diverse range of training options to cater to the unique needs of individuals aspiring to become high performers. His one-on-one coaching sessions provide personalized guidance, allowing clients to delve deeply into their goals, challenges, and strategies for success. Through these intimate interactions, Richard De Souza helps clients build a customised roadmap to achieve their highest potential.
The D7 technique, developed by Richard De Souza, is a comprehensive approach to personal and professional development. It focuses on seven key principles: Desire, Resilience, Teamwork & Leadership, Focus, Self Belief, Commitment & Preparation, and Game Plan. Through a combination of these principles, Richard De Souza empowers his clients to set clear goals, develop unwavering focus, and take purposeful actions toward achieving their dreams.
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De Souza D7

De Souza D7
