We live in a day and age where drugs are freely available, irrespective of their tag of 'banned substances'. Some say that these drugs opened up their mind, some say that it frees them of their inhibitions, some say they can't get enough of it and some wish they had never started 'using' in the first place. Whatever their perspective of drugs may be, each substance definitely alters your perception of the world.
To commemorate International Day Against Drug Abuse on June 26, we created 'Perception Perplexion', a series of Minimalist Posters that explain the change in one's perception of the world through a simple object: a pencil. Based on several facts, figures and first-hand experiences, this is our collective interpretation of how one would view a pencil under the influence of different drugs.
We would love to know your opinions, feedback, constructive criticism and above all, your own interpretations of the same.
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Perception Perplexion

Perception Perplexion

Minimalist posters for International Day against Drug Abuse
