A daily sanity sketch to relax and remember how much fun my work can be. I try to incorporate a bit of story and character development whenever I'm sharp to the task.
Pen, ink, marker, chalk ... in 3D! The wall is another page in the book, drawn in perspective. Fun!
Brush, ink, watercolor.
Pen, ink, marker, chalk, toned paper.
Pen, ink, marker.
Pen, ink, marker, color pencil.
Mr. Lux considers his angle avec un velo. Marker.
Pen and ink.
Micron pen and Prismacolor markers. 
Brush pen.
I love to draw life. Pen, ink, marker, chalk.
Pen, ink, marker, color pencils.
Micron marker, highlighter for tone.
Marker, color pencil, chalk.
See more of my sanity sketches on Instagram.
Sanity Sketches

Sanity Sketches

A daily sketch to keep the joy of process near.
