
One thing I find surprising is that there aren't more religions dedicated to computers, given their power and impact. 

I started off this project with something in my mind, then sketched it out in 3d with some freely available assets.

After a rough render in V-Ray, I split up the image with masks, which I used to paint segmentation colours for use in ControlNet (e.g., computer, screen, floor, person).
ControlNet LineArt (realistic) was also used to get a better figure.

After that, it was a back-and-forth process of painting in Photoshop and adding detail with MultiDiffusion.

The hands were done with a combination of manual painting in Photoshop, img2img, and MultiDiffusion.

I also used ControlNet Tile with Ultimate SD Upscale to generate a kind of global pass with different kinds of details. For example, an upscale with just "computers, wires" as a prompt, which I masked out in Photoshop.

Process video
This was actually my second attempt at the subject; I spent a few hours playing around with the concept of a woman praying at a computer temple, and the end result looked pretty boring:

A couple of gens that I liked during the process which didn't end up getting used in the final: