Aleksa Bogdanović's profile

Volume Factroy_Paradigm Shift

student project_studio m03_paradigm shift
Volume factory

(all-encompassing center for processing every conceivable material in the world)
The project is located in Belgrade, at Viline Vode, an area once occupied by an industrial settlement. In the late 19th century, the first industrial facilities of the city of Belgrade emerged on these former cultivated lands, serving as inspiration for this endeavor. Many of these structures have been lost, a few were "preserved," and only a handful have been protected as cultural monuments due to public interest. One such preserved structure is the former thermal power plant, Power and Light, situated in the Dorćol marina, which serves as a reference point for the project.

The megastructure extends and integrates itself with the legacy of Viline Vode, not only visually but also to some extent in its programmatic identity.
(To design something that will be accepted in the not-so-distant future, we must anticipate how the design could respond to the demands of tomorrow.)

How can a museum be a factory?

Considering that a museum, by definition, is an institution/building in which chronological or thematic collections of antiques, artworks, natural and technical objects are preserved, studied, and exhibited... an "antiparadigmatic" approach to such a museum would entail the production of these thematic entities it offers. Hence, the goal of this factory is to unite all sculptural disciplines into a coherent space where its users can experience the life of such an applied/fine art piece.

Production → Exhibition → Sale

Sculptural disciplines (categorized by material processing) are divided into zones, each with its exhibition space, collectively forming a grand exhibition.
As certain sculptures gain in poetic and historical significance over the years, the concept of this project is to become a "beautiful ruin" (sculpture) one day. This effect is achieved through a contemporary understanding of futuristic design (design of tomorrow).
Photograph of the setup of models and posters from the exhibition of the most successful works at the Faculty of Architecture - University of Belgrade, february 2023.
Volume Factroy_Paradigm Shift


Volume Factroy_Paradigm Shift
