Hawaiian Punchers
Made in the last week of May 2023. The Hawaiian Punchers mascot was developed in 2 to 3 weeks. It was created as a commission from the Christian challenge camp Eagle Sky at the Ozarks for Teen camp teams in the summer programs of 2023.
The premise of the mascot was an inspiration by the Kool-Aid man, with different flavor names for the color team from the Hawaiian Punch brand. The different flavors include: Green Berry Rush (green team), Polar Blast (white team), Watermelon Berry Boom, and Berry Punch.

Based on the commission, I wanted to emphasize the puncher aspect of the mascot's name. I took some inspiration pose from various boxing poses in various games and images. 
Next, I needed to add the name and camp brand to the character. I decided to add the brand name on the gloves like a sponsored professional and to put the individual team's name on the leg almost as a tattoo.
Finally, the color of the team's name had to correlate with the real color of the drink making the glove a different color.
Hawaiian Punchers mascot


Hawaiian Punchers mascot

Team mascot design for teen camp
