As with any of my composites, I start with a background picture that will compliment the scenario.  When at all possible, I try to use pictures that I have taken, but stock images will work as well.
Next, I ran NIK;s Colro Efex Pro and gave it a bleach bypass to make it look a little edgy.  I like how this brings out the details in the mountains and clouds.
Step three was to add the aircraft relevant to the time period.  In this case, Vietnam.  I added the A4-Skyhawk which was shot an airshow recently.  I used fre transform to position the attack angle how I wanted it.
Need to have an advesary, and this Mig-17, shot at the same airhsow, fit the bill.  Same technique as above, using free transform to position the Mig.
Final step was to run bleach bypass on the A4-Skyhawk to match the aircrafts look with the rest of the composite.  There youhave it!  A quick easy dogfight over Vitenam's countryside.
Vietnam Dogfight

Vietnam Dogfight

Explanation of how I put together this composite.
