Anna Wolfe's profile

The Dirty Laundry

Sock Washer
A garment for washing and drying dirty socks
hamper, reed, tubing, clothesline, clothespins, dirty socks
Living out of the Hamper
A quick change performance from bed to bath
laundry basket, towel/dress garment, pillow, tablecloth/blanket, banana, sandwich, shower-poof, coat, robe, hat, pajamas, shoes, cell phone
What not to Wear
A sock puppet show. When an interviewee spills coffee on her blouse only 5 minutes before her interview she goes digging for a replacement but finds fashion advice in the hamper.
Laundry sack, clothing cloak, coffee stained blouse, ugly sweaty, slinky black dress, purple sweater, Angel sock puppet, Devil sock puppet
The Dirty Laundry

The Dirty Laundry

A series of performance based work that explores the theme of laundry. Sock washer, Living out of the Hamper, and What not to Wear are simple 6 m Read More
