Spinback Werkk 
There are a couple objectives to this simple project, but it was a sudden and straight forward vision. One target was simply a way of testing the new strobe light I got for my productions, two, creating something fast paced to a remix I found online that I excessively enjoyed for a non-particular reason, apart from it falling into a hiphop/trap genre.

The project was just waiting to be carried out, thus found its' execution shortly after I felt manic after being unjustifiably mistreated at the current workplace. I found some crumb of a confidence boost in the rage I was internally going through, and I wanted to cope with seeing something that would make me proud of myself. Just took a quick hoodie swap, a neck piece, space cleanup and a vape.
The final full version of the video.
The raw final cut was put together shortly after filming.
At least 3 recoloured versions of the video exist.
Spinback Werk


Spinback Werk
