Scott Klumb's profile

Best Sports for Children with Autism

Best Sports for Children with Autism

Boulder, Colorado, resident Scott Klumb is an award-winning action sports and documentary filmmaker, editor, and photographer. In 2012, Scott Klumb started his company, SMK Media, which focuses on freestyle and backcountry skiing, mountain biking, and rock climbing film production and timelapse, nature, and still photography. Outside of his professional endeavors, the Boulder, Colorado filmmaker, who is also autistic, enjoys skiing and golfing.

Depending on the range and severity of autistic traits, which can vary widely between people, certain sports can prove challenging for individuals with autism. But multiple bodies of research, including a 2020 review in the International Journal of Environmental Health and Public Research, have demonstrated the benefits of physical activity on children and adolescents with autism, particularly in improving their communication, social, and motor skills. The following are some of the best sports suitable for youths with autism:

A 2016 study in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ranks swimming as the top leisure activity enjoyed by children with autism. Swimming is a great option for kids on the spectrum who experience difficulties with ball-handling activities. They can play in the water, learn basic strokes, and compete individually. Further, a 2021 study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine showed that swimming could aid children with autism in enhancing their gross motor skills.

Horseback Riding
Equine therapy or horse-assisted therapy has proven particularly beneficial for kids with autism. Horseback riding provides various mental and physical health benefits, including relieving stress and strengthening core and upper and lower body muscles. Often, children with autism who find it difficult to communicate or connect with people establish strong and meaningful connections with their four-legged companions.

Martial Arts
From aikido to judo to karate, martial arts can help children with autism develop physical skills and build their self-esteem by combining predictability and structure with the challenge of physical interaction with an opponent. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders demonstrated the positive impact on executive functions in school-aged children with autism after a 13-week intervention of mixed martial arts (MMA).

Best Sports for Children with Autism

Best Sports for Children with Autism
