I had a dream
I had a dream. I was a snail. It was a strange and surreal experience, but also quite beautiful in its own way. As I slowly made my way through the world, I felt a sense of peace and contentment that I had never known before.

No matter where I went, my final destination was always the same: to be united with my Source Snail. This was the snail from which all other snails had come, and it was said that if you could find it, you would be granted eternal happiness and fulfillment.

So I set out on my journey, moving at a slow and steady pace. Along the way, I met other snails who were also on their own quests to find the Source Snail. We exchanged stories and tips, and helped each other navigate the obstacles that lay ahead.
As I got closer and closer to my goal, I began to feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. I knew that the journey had been long and difficult, but I also knew that the reward at the end of it would be worth it.

We were finally complete and at peace.
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I had a dream


I had a dream
