2014.12.27 Guimet museum Paris
<Just my type> is a very interesting book to tell u the story of type. I often read the book on my ipad mini when i was on bussiness trip, it is not convenient to make some notes on ipad, so I go back to the original way to take notes. Then I found that the more I draw the more I like the way to keep the information of a book, so I dicided to do this project to draw every book I have read. That is so called "sketch note" :) 
The system type of the first generation ipod is "chicago"
The Declaration of Independence is written with "Garamond"
"Upper Cases" and "Lower Case"  came from the conventional typesetting, cause the worker put the UpperCases type at the upper side and put the Lower Cases at the lower side.


The cover of first penguin book used the "bodoni", then change all the type into Gill Sans.
Verdana,Georgia,Tahoma and many other famous type all created by Matthew Carter.
When 2012, the Ipad released. There are five types in iBook, they are Times New Roman,Palatino,Cochin,Verdana,and Baskerville.
Day 3
Actually the most special words of Johnston sans is OIL, hahaha~
Day 4
I was inspirated by the story of Grotest.
I think it is a good  topic to do reaserch on the traffic signs
wait and see~~
To be continued...
# sketch-note #

# sketch-note #

This is an exercise that keep the book that i am reading now with an visual way.That's so called sketch note~


Creative Fields