Adam Tallamy Ltd's profile

Life purpose examples

Adam Tallamy, Life Purpose Coach

Based in London in the UK and working online with clients worldwide

Hello! My name is Adam Tallamy. I am a Life Purpose Coach and Teacher with 10+ years experience helping clients find, live and fulfil their true life purpose.

I started as a more generalist life coach in London, helping people with all sorts of issues but the focus always seemed to come back people’s why. Why are they here and what are they truly meant to be doing with their lives.

That’s what excites me. There’s nothing better as a life coach than getting to see people’s whole lives turn around for the better.

What’s the difference between a life coach and a life purpose coach?

Lets start by answering the question, what is a life coach?

A life coach is a professional who helps an individual client or group of people to achieve their personal goals. A life coach will take you from A to B in the fastest or best way possible.

A life purpose coach has a similar focus but specialises in helping a person to identify their true purpose and helps get them on the right track, fully living their purpose.

In short, a good life purpose coach will help you find out what youre here to do and get you doing it.

That could vary in size from making the right career move to actually finding and living your life purpose.  Either way life purpose coaching should lead to exciting changes in your life and bring back your passion, enthusiasm and zest for life.

Have you ever wondered why so many people never find the courage to make significant changes in their life, yet alone pursue their dreams? A good life purpose coach will help get you there.

Whats the difference between an average and a top life purpose coach?

Firstly, you ideally want someone who has worked as a life purpose coach for some years with good experience of helping people achieve what you want.

In some instances that could be someone that calls themselves a life coach but who in reality has a particular focus on, or specialises in life purpose.
When looking to choose the right person check out their track record of helping people find their life purpose and look at their testimonials.

The best life coaches will actually help you identify and remove whatever is blocking you, including the fears, doubts and insecurities that we all have.

Theyll also give you the tools to allow you to do that for yourself. Thats key if you want to move forward faster and eventually make your life purpose coach redundant.

Clearing these blocks at the root level is the key to making change easy. Life purpose coaches who only work at the surface level simply wont get the same results.

You want someone who can help you clear the different fears, doubts, unsupportive beliefs and patterns that are blocking you.

Why you might want to find your life purpose?

In my experience people want to find their life purpose for many reasons including being:

at a career crossroads and needing help to take the right next step.
unclear about how to move forward and which direction to take.
keen to make a difference in the world.
interested to find their true life purpose.
already successful, wealthy or famous and feeling there must be more to life.
made redundant and needing to work through that and find a new way forward.
retired and wanting to make a difference but unsure where or how to do so.
open to something new and to recapture their zest for life.
ready to talk to a professional such as a life coach to move forward.

Ways I can show you how to find your life purpose

I’d love to show you how to find your own life purpose and potentially be your life coach and there are several ways I can help:

1. There’s a wealth of information on how to find and live your purpose on my website and on my podcast on Spotify.

I’ve tried to give away as much information as possible so that if you’re committed and persistent you can do this for yourself. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely doable.

2. I run regular free introductory workshops on ‘how to find your life purpose’ which you might find of interest and where you’ll have an opportunity to ask me questions and get even more insight.

3. I’d love to help you 121 and be your personal life purpose coach. It’s my passion and purpose to life coach, and to help others find their why. If you feel a pull to doing that please take that first step and get in touch.

I wish you good luck whatever path you take!

If you’re interested in 121 work please read the following section.

How I’d help you as your personal life purpose coach

On the amazing journey that is life purpose, I’ll be your life coach and I’ll:

*  help you overcome whatever challenges youre facing in life right now and work through any blocks to you finding and living your life purpose on-going.

help you feel better, stronger, safer and more confident. It's these foundations that'll allow you to do what you're here to do.

teach you how to follow your heart, how to develop your intuition, and how to do or say the right things at the right times.

share the condensed wisdom of everything I've learnt about purpose over the last 10+ years with you and give you a set of tools that'll allow you to keep living yours.

help you get to a much more joyful and happy default state.

help you see the world and everything that happens to you through a different more positive lens.

Get in touch

UK mobile +44 (0)7779 125 828

Life coach, London and commutable

If you’re in London or nearby we can easily work together face to face for all life coaching sessions.

That includes Surrey, Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Essex or Kent, depending where you are exactly either at your home address, office or one of 3 privates venues in which are in central London, South West London and North London.

I’ve even had two long term life coaching clients commute down regularly from Birmingham to see me face to face.

Rest of UK and international

For everywhere else in the UK and for international clients life coaching with me works equally well online and I have successfully helped people all over the world find their life purpose.

To give you an idea that includes clients in the following countries and counting:

US / USA including New York, Miami, LA and the Bay Area
New Zealand
South Africa
Life purpose examples

Life purpose examples


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