Adam Tallamy Ltd's profile

What can a life purpose be about?

Adam Tallamy, Life Purpose Coach

Based in London in the UK and working online with clients worldwide

Hello! My name is Adam Tallamy. I am a Life Purpose Coach and Teacher with 10+ years experience helping clients find, live and fulfil their true life purpose.

Over the years I’ve gradually uncovered the secrets of life purpose, of how to find your life purpose and more challenging even, how to live and fulfil it.

It’s such an amazing journey to take that I’ve made it my life’s work to make life purpose a rite of passage and to help millions of people how to find their purpose.

What’s life’s purpose anyway?

Two powerful things happen when you find and act upon the answer to the question, ‘what’s life’s purpose?’

You’ll embark upon the journey of a lifetime, the hero’s journey

You’ll eventually become the person you’ve always dreamed of being

From all I’ve seen in over a decade as a life purpose coach and teacher, life purpose is designed primarily to help us grow and to reach our highest potential.

Along the way you’ll also:
find more happiness
learn to create / manifest / get what you want in life

Yes, it’s about absolutely helping others and doing some good in the world. In my opinion, however, it’s primarily about us as individuals growing, polishing off some rough edges and expanding our horizons.

Life purpose is the hero’s journey

Like Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the rings you’ll be called upon to leave the small, comfortable and familiar world you’ve been living in and embark upon a quest.

Similarly, on the life purpose journey you’ll be presented with all manner of challenges to overcome.
So, you see answering the question, what’s life’s purpose has the potential to wake you up, shake you up and force you to face your dragons, your fears, doubts and insecurities.

In so doing, you’ll gradually get stronger, more confident and ultimately become the hero of your own life, rescuing yourself and living a bigger life.

Many describe it as becoming the person they always dreamed of being, whatever that means to them.

You see, life purpose is the carrot that the Universe dangles to keep you going, to motivate you to face and overcome these challenges.

Without the promise of living your purpose, finding more happiness and getting what you want, would you really push yourself so far out of our comfort zone?

Would you really keep facing your fears, doubts and insecurities?
I doubt that I would.

Life purpose is thus not only your why, it’s also one of the best motivational tools going.

That’s great but what’s life’s purpose for me specifically?

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from or what you’ve done in life, you have a unique life purpose.

In fact, I think of life purpose as your own personal secret mission. Whether you believe it right now or not, you have one and it’s there just waiting for you.

Finding your life purpose typically takes some time.

It usually requires some inner work and simple exercises to reveal what that purpose is.

Whilst most people think about purpose as a choice to do something that gives their life meaning, true life purpose is something else entirely.

True life purpose is typically given to us, passively received rather than found. 

Ways I can show you how to find your life purpose

I’d love to show you how to find your own life purpose and there are several ways I can help:

1. There’s a wealth of information on how to find and live your purpose on my website and on my podcast on Spotify.

I’ve tried to give away as much information as possible so that if you’re committed and persistent you can do this for yourself. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely doable.

2. I run regular free introductory workshops on ‘how to find your life purpose’ which you might find of interest and where you’ll have an opportunity to ask me questions and get even more insight.

3. I’d love to help you 121 and be your personal life purpose coach. It’s my passion and purpose to help others find theirs and I’m the best at what I do. If you feel a pull to doing that please take that first step and get in touch.

I wish you good luck whatever path you take! If you’re interested in 121 work please read the following section.

How I’ll help you as your personal life purpose coach

On the amazing journey that is life purpose, I’ll teach you my whole process and I’ll:

*  help you overcome whatever challenges you’re facing in life right now and work through any blocks to you finding and living your life purpose on-going.

help you feel better, stronger, safer and more confident. It's these foundations that'll allow you to do what you're here to do.

teach you how to follow your heart, how to develop your intuition, and how to do or say the right things at the right times.

share the condensed wisdom of everything I've learnt about purpose over the last 10+ years with you and give you a set of tools that'll allow you to keep living yours.

help you get to a much more joyful and happy default state.

help you see the world and everything that happens to you through a different more positive lens.

Get in touch

UK mobile +44 (0)7779 125 828

Life Purpose coach, London and commutable session details

If you’re in London or nearby we can easily work together face to face. This includes Surrey, Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Essex or Kent, depending where you are exactly either at your home address, office or one of 3 privates venues in which are in central London, South West London and North London

Rest of UK and international

For everywhere else in the UK and for international clients what I do works equally well online and I have successfully helped people all over the world find their life purpose.

To give you an idea that includes clients in the following countries and counting:

US / USA including Miami, New York, LA and the Bay Area
New Zealand
South Africa
What can a life purpose be about?

What can a life purpose be about?


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