Rat: the first finished of the zodiacs. I am doing them in Order so the first is the rat and the last is the pig. 
Planning Stage: The planning stage is very simple it requires a moleskine and bic pen. I often plan using quick thumbnails and quick notes. Here you can see a layout plan I had in mind. Some of this has changed slightly but the order remains the same. In the end they will all combine into one print.

I will also offer each zodiac on their own. 
Ox and Tiger: The Ox comes second then the tiger, I am working on them together at the Same time. The sketch of the Tiger was the most complicated and I need to find a way to include the markings, the Ox shall be simple compared to his/her partner. 

This is an ongoing project I shall update you all when the time is right thank you!

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac

The start of a project to depict the 12 chinese zodiac animals / Creatures in my own style. They can stand on their own or be combined to form on Read More
