Los Arcos
Destillado De Agave
Packaging Design
Style Guide & Brand Bible
Event Collateral​​​​​​​
Website Design and Creation
Los Arcos is a unique, playful and vibrant Destilado De Agave, produced in Mexico and distributed globally. Destilado De Agave is a relatively new category on the scene of spirit world, but is essentially any Tequila or Mezcal that isn't produced to the exact (and highly restrictive) requirements of Tequila or Mezcal. One of the major reasons that Los Arcos was determined to be a Destilado De Agave rather than a Tequila, was the unsustainable farming and production techniques required to be called a Tequila.

Los Arcos is produced in Jalisco by one of the world's best distillers of Agave Spirits and aims to be enjoyed world wide by lovers of sunshine, fun times and easy drinking.

Los Arcos is also deeply committed to it's fight for a more sustainable drinking industry, helping to pioneer some of the incredible technologies and innovations of ecospirits and is available in their revolutionary ecotote refillable on premise system.​​​​​​​
Packaging Design
At the time Yue Yamanaka Design was contacted to help bring Los Arcos to life, there was already a preliminary set of design elements selected, including a logo and a set of illustrations, as well as a general label design. On closer inspection a few adjustments needed to be made to small errors in the design of the logo (some odd overlaps) and a horizontal version of the logo needed to be made as well. The illustrations were also fairly low resolution pixel based images, this meant a range of issues would come up when trying to resize or utilize the illustrations. 

After some back and forth with the client, Yue Yamanaka Design was able to settle on a vectorized style of illustration that still had the essence of hand drawn imagery. These formed the basis for the brands look and feel and ensured scalability and usability across a range of different mediums and applications.

The label design itself was a matter of taking the general design and layout that had been created and bringing it into line with Australian regulations, American regulations and EU regulations (as three separate labels), as well as a fourth style that was designed for the express purpose of being refilled. This is because of Los Arcos' commitment to sustainability and their relationship to ecoTote, a revolutionary spirits bulk purchasing and refilling solution for venues.
As the packaging design project developed, it became a priority to find a way to produce the bottles more sustainably, with an eye on making each bottle a beautiful, reusable decanter that carried the branding and spirit of Los Arcos.

For the reasons above, it was paramount that the printing method used created a robust, scratch and wear resistant finish on the bottle. After multiple rounds of research and back and forth with printing companies about their processes and capabilities, Yue Yamanaka Design and True Believers (Los Arcos' producers) were able to find an Adelaide based bottle printer that was able to screen print the 'floating' designs of the Los Arcos bottles.

During this process Yue Yamanaka Design created multiple rounds of to-scale 3d renders of the later bottle designs, allowing True Believers to conceptualise and play with the design without having to print endless rounds of samples, saving resources and reducing the environmental impact of the design process itself.

The end result was a unique, eye catching and truly beautiful bottle that looks as gorgeous as it is practical, that captures the beating heart of the Los Arcos brand. 
Style Guide & Brand Voice
Yue Yamanaka Design was also responsible for taking what had been created prior to our joining the project and turning it into a comprehensive style guide that could be easily followed and understood. At the time of receiving the project, there were three colours and a font decided. 

Yue Yamanaka Design worked closely with the CEO as well as the Marketing and Advocacy Director of True Believers, the company that produces the spirit, to create a concept and style for Los Arcos that could help to give the brand more depth, as well as give the team who worked with it a true sense of what the product represented and was aimed at creating.

The final outcome was a simple but effective Style Guide that is concise and easy to use. This ensures any and all designers that need to work with the brand are quickly and easily able to grasp the style and design rules of Los Arcos, allowing them to jump straight into it.

Yue Yamanaka Design also created a Brand Bible to go along with the Style Guide. This document is designed to be a quick look at the essence of Los Arcos. In combination with the Style Guide, people are able to quickly and succinctly get a feel for Los Arcos as a brand, making it easier to jump in and work with the right mindset.
Event Collateral
The Style Guide and Brand Bible were then out through their paces as Yue Yamanaka Design worked alongside various third party suppliers and manufacturers to create a wide range of objects and outcomes for various events across the globe. 

This meant creating posters, both digital and physical, T shirts, event flyers and even pop-up event websites. For all of these, Yue Yamanaka Design worked meticulously to ensure consistency of voice and brand while giving each event it's own unique, location based flair.
Website Design & Creation
As a new brand, Los Arcos also required a website. Yue Yamanaka Design was engaged to both design and build the site. After going through the pros and cons of various website builders with True Believers, it was decided that webflow should be used to take advantage of the smooth json integrations and ability to create unique layouts that would help the playful side of the Los Arcos brand to stand out.

After a few rounds of initial design concepts and sketches, Yue Yamanaka Design and True Believers began the exciting task of creating their digital home! The website can be browsed on both mobile and desktop versions, and was also used to house the unique, event specific web pages that served as menus for the various launch events around the world.

The site can be viewed at losarcosagave.com or by scanning the QR code below.
All content designed by Yue Yamanaka, all rights reserved 2023. © 

Los Arcos


Los Arcos
